How can Sentry help you with developing high-quality software?

5 min readDec 14, 2022


Sentry is a tool that can help you monitor and fix errors in your software in real time. It automatically collects and reports errors that occur in your application, providing detailed information about the context and location of each error.

This can help you identify and fix problems quickly, ensuring that your software is of high quality and remains stable and reliable. Additionally, Sentry can help you keep track of the performance and stability of your software over time, allowing you to identify trends and make improvements as needed.

Here are some examples of how Sentry can help you develop high-quality software

  1. Sentry automatically collects and reports errors that occur in your application, providing detailed information such as the type of error, the stack trace, and the line of code where the error occurred. This can help you quickly identify the source of the problem and take action to fix it.
  2. Sentry allows you to set up notifications and alerts so that you are notified whenever an error occurs in your application. This can help you stay on top of problems and respond to them quickly before they impact your users.
  3. Sentry provides detailed analytics and metrics about the performance and stability of your software over time. This can help you identify trends and patterns, and make informed decisions about how to improve your application.
  4. Sentry integrates with a wide range of other tools and services, allowing you to easily incorporate error reporting and monitoring into your existing workflow. This can help you streamline your development process and make it more efficient and effective.

Overall, Sentry can be a valuable tool for any software developer who is looking to improve the quality and reliability of their applications.

“Yo Roy, can I use Sentry for JavaScript projects?”

Sure, Sentry can be integrated with JavaScript code. Sentry provides a JavaScript SDK that you can use to report errors and other events that occur in your JavaScript application. This allows you to easily collect and analyze information about your application, and use it to improve the quality and stability of your code.

To integrate Sentry with your JavaScript code, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Sentry account and create a new project.
  2. Install the Sentry JavaScript SDK in your application by running the following command:
npm install @sentry/browser

3. Initialize the Sentry SDK in your JavaScript code by adding the following code:

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';

dsn: 'your-dsn-here'

4. Use the Sentry SDK to capture and report errors and other events that occur in your JavaScript code. For example, you can use the captureException method to report an error:

try {
// Your code here
} catch (error) {

5. Use the Sentry dashboard to view and analyze the data that is collected from your application. This can help you identify and fix problems, and improve the quality and stability of your code.

What are some best practices I shouldn’t miss when configuring Sentry?

  1. Initialize the Sentry SDK early in the execution of your JavaScript code, so that it is ready to capture and report errors as soon as they occur. This can help ensure that you don’t miss any important errors.
  2. Use the dsn option to specify your project's DSN when initializing the Sentry SDK. This will ensure that errors and other events are sent to the correct project in your Sentry account.
  3. Use the release option to specify the version of your application when initializing the Sentry SDK. This can help you keep track of which errors and events are associated with each version of your code.
  4. Use the environment option to specify the environment (e.g., "production" or "development") in which your application is running. This can help you filter and analyze errors based on the environment in which they occurred.
  5. Use the beforeSend option to specify a callback function that is executed before errors and events are sent to Sentry. This can be used to modify or filter the data that is sent, or to add custom metadata to the events.
  6. Use the debug option to enable debug mode when initializing the Sentry SDK. This can help you diagnose problems with the SDK itself, and ensure that it is functioning properly.

Rate limiting

Sentry provides several options for limiting the rate at which events are sent to your project. These options can help you control your Sentry usage and avoid exceeding your plan’s event limit, which could result in additional charges.

One option is to use the maxBreadcrumbs option when initializing the Sentry SDK. This option allows you to specify the maximum number of breadcrumbs (i.e., debug information) that Sentry should store for each error or event. By limiting the number of breadcrumbs, you can reduce the amount of data that is sent to Sentry, which can help you stay within your event limit.

Another option is to use the sampleRate option when initializing the Sentry SDK. This option allows you to specify the percentage of events that should be sent to Sentry. For example, if you set the sample rate to 0.1, only 10% of the events that occur in your application will be sent to Sentry. This can help you reduce the overall volume of events that are sent to Sentry, and control your usage.

Finally, you can use the beforeSend option when initializing the Sentry SDK to specify a callback function that is executed before events are sent to Sentry. This callback function can be used to filter or discard events that are not relevant or important, which can also help you reduce the amount of data that is sent to Sentry and stay within your event limit.

Or use the Sentry dashboard

You can also configure the rate limit for your Sentry project in the Sentry dashboard. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Sentry account and navigate to the project that you want to configure.
  2. Click the “Settings” tab in the left-hand menu, and then click the “Rate Limits” tab.
  3. In the “Rate Limits” section, you will see the current rate limit for your project. You can change this limit by entering a new value in the “Event limit” field.
  4. Click the “Save Changes” button to apply your changes.

Note that changing the rate limit in the Sentry dashboard will only affect events that are sent to Sentry directly (i.e., not via the JavaScript SDK). If you want to limit the rate of events that are sent to Sentry via the JavaScript SDK, you will need to use the options described in the previous answer.

Overall, by configuring the rate limit in the Sentry dashboard and using the options in the JavaScript SDK, you can effectively control the rate at which events are sent to Sentry, and avoid exceeding your plan’s event limit.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Follow me on Twitter for more knowledge about programming, tech, and freelancing. Oh, and sometimes bad jokes as well…

Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

